
Expert IT services for the legal industry

Legal firms and technology usage are increasing by the day.  What used to be rooms of books, papers, and filings, are now a large room of technology infrastructure.  Advancements in technology have created the document storage and systems capabilities allowing access of data on the fly.  However, without proper configuration and structure, down time and infrastructure failure can devastate a firm.

T-Tech provides a vast array of technology solutions within the legal industry.  Some of the projects and services we provide within the legal industry include, but are not limited to:

  • Low voltage wiring for new offices and firm expansions.
  • Wiring and installation for phone, camera, data, networks, card access systems, sound, television, and more.
  • Design and implementation of modern technology conferences rooms with smart enhanced technology.
  • Design and development of custom systems, applications, and websites for firms.
  • Installation of secure data centers for accessibility of information from anywhere.
  • Creation of site-to-site networked environments connecting multiple locations to data centers.
  • Implementation and maintenance of time and accountant tracking software for legal billings and procedures.
  • Design, implantation, and maintenance of firm-wide document management systems.

Some industry specific software we typically run into for legal firms are:

  • Practice Master
  • Worldox Document Management
  • Tabs
  • Timeslips

Behind all these initiatives are the implemented solutions from T-Tech Solutions LLC.  We continually strive to be a trusted and value-added partner for the legal industry and law firms that we support.


Example industry sectors we service include

  • Criminal Defense

  • Corporate Law

  • Trusts and Estates

  • Insurance Law

  • Taxation

  • Real Estate Law

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