
Tech Corner August 2021 | Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the classroom was already a growing trend, but with the recent pandemic and increase in “virtual learning”, it had a rapid boost of usage and popularity. As adults, technology has become entrenche...


Tech Corner July 2021 | Technology – Changing everyday life

Modern Technology has paved the way for smart enabled devices such as tablets, smartwatches, and smartphones. Computers continue to become faster, more portable, and higher-powered than ever before. Without a d...


Tech Corner June 2021 | Cybersecurity Threats and Staying Safe Online

At its core, cybersecurity is an accumulation of technology, processes, and practices designed around protecting your important data and network from unauthorized access. As we continue to become a technology d...


Tech Corner May 2021 | Emerging Artificial-Aided Technology in 2021

Technology is ever changing and has no plans to slow down anytime soon. The most notable increases in usages to be aware of in 2021 are Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Autonomous Vehicles. This te...


Tech Corner April 2021 | Maintaining “Remote” Work-Life Balance

What was thought to be a temporary solution to increasing the remote work environment during the initial stages of the COVID pandemic, has quickly turned into a new way of work life. Surveys among top businesse...


Tech Corner March 2021 | What the Heck is “The Cloud”?

By now, you’ve most likely heard someone mention the phrase “going to ‘the cloud’”, but do most people really understand what that means? There is this common myth that “the cloud” is an imaginary place where y...

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Tech Corner February 2021 | Tips for Detecting Phishing and Spoofing Emails

As we emerge into 2021 amidst this continued pandemic, there is an increasing effort from the hackers on the web to steal and compromise consumer data and information. More people are in front of their machines...

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Tech Corner January 2021 | Safety & Security Tech Trends for Homeowners

First and most foremost, wanting to wish you all a Happy New Year! Wishing your families and you a safe and healthy year with the hope of replacing the struggles and woes of 2020, with the joy of a fresh new an...


Tech Corner December 2020 | Cutting the Cord

No question that by now you’ve heard someone mention the phrase “cutting the cord” and wondered what on earth they were talking about.  For a long time prior to this Work from Home journey, cutting the cord was...

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Tech Corner November 2020 | WFH Tips, Tricks & Recommendations

Working from Home Tips, Tricks, & Recommendations In our May tech corner, we discussed 5 Tech Tips to help increase productivity while working from home.  The WFH (Work-From-Home) environment is growing and...