Archive for author: webadmin

Beacon device home and office radar. Use for all situations. with network connect signal graphic and blur background at the airport

Tech Corner June 2023 | How Do Retail Stores Know I am near?

Tech Corner:  June 2023 Topic:  How do Retail Stores know when I’m near them?     If you’ve ever wondered how the local coffee shop starts sending you advertisements when you are near one of their lo...

Concept of smart home control via mobile device or computer.

Tech Corner May 2023 | Ways to Create a “Smart” Home

Tech Corner:  May 2023 Topic:  Ways to create a “Smart” Home   Technology continues to change the way we live and interact on a daily basis and there doesn’t seem to be any signs of slowdown in new product...

NFT non fungible token golden coins falling. Trendy cryptocurrencies and coins on the blockchain technology. Close up view of crypto money in 3D rendering

Tech Corner April 2023 | Understanding NFT

Tech Corner:  April 2023 Topic:  What is NFT and how does it work?     What is this new word, NFT, that’s been floating around the digital scene over the past few years?   If you are like the majority, you’ve h...

Cloud service icon with options and devices

Tech Corner February 2023 | Are my files safe in the cloud?

Tech Corner: February 2023 Topic:  Are my file really safe in the cloud?     Now adays, we are afforded the luxury of “storing files in the cloud” and it has created an ease of accessibility of data to all...

Internet of things, wireless communication network, abstract image visual

Tech Corner January 2023 | What is IoT?

Tech Corner: January 2023 Topic:  What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?   A lot of discussion over the past few years about advancements in technology and new and emerging technologies.  Once of those item...

Close up of a woman using a computer

Tech Corner December 2022 | Stay Aware of Cybersecurity Risks

Tech Corner: December 2022 Topic:  Stay Aware of Cybersecurity risk during the holidays   As we approach the holidays, the risk for cybersecurity incidents continues to rise.  Cyber criminals are aware tha...

Ordering Christmas presents, online payment. Online shopping, internet banking, spending money, holidays, vacations concept

Tech Corner November 2022 | Practice Safe Measures for Online Holiday Shopping

Tech Corner:  November 2022 Topic: Practice Safe Measures for Online Holiday Shopping   Statistics indicate that by the end of 2023, the US is expecting to have nearly 300 million online shoppers.  As a result ...

Multi-Factor Authentication, User, Login, Cybersecurity privacy protect data. internet network security technology. Encrypted data. Personal online privacy. Cyber hacker threat.

Tech Corner October 2022 | Understanding Multifactor Authentication

Understanding Multifactor Authentication     As cybersecurity incidents are on a continued rise, the need to understand and protect your online accounts from wrongful usage is crucially important.  The ala...

Happy schoolgirl and her classmates e-learning over laptops during a class in the classroom.

Tech Corner September 2022 | Monitoring Kids Chromebook Usage

Monitoring Kids Chromebook Usage     It’s hard to believe that summer has come and gone, and a new school year is underway. With the increase in remote education and technology demands over the last two ye...

Furious man angry about bad news online or pc software failure, mad helpless office worker having problem with broken laptop, stressed student hates computer crash, user indignant about data loss

Tech Corner August 2022 | How To Prepare for Computer Crashes

  How to prepare for computer crashes   Most discussions about loss of data or computers being inoperable lately are related to viruses, malware, ransomware, or cyber events.  However, remember that c...