By now, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve run across a fake scam email or know someone who has had their money or identify stolen as a result of a phone or internet scam. Unfortunately, 2023...
Tech Corner: March 2024 Topic: Why So Many Subscriptions? I am sure you have noticed by now, that literally everything has a subscription service attached to it. Have you ever wondered why the subscr...
Social Media Safety for Kids By Tony Haddad, Ph.D., President, T-Tech Solutions LLC The Internet and social media are a digital life at our children’s fingertips. In fact, surveys show that 90% of...
Tech Corner: January 2024 Topic: What is Bitcoin? By now, you’ve certainly heard someone use the buzz word “bitcoin” or “cryptocurrency.” Although, do you really understand what it is, what it means, or ...
Tech Corner: December 2023 Topic: Practice Safe Measures for Online Holiday Shopping Statistics indicate that by the end of 2023, global online holiday sales will be around $1.2 trillion. Overall global ret...
Tech Corner: November 2023 Topic: Don’t Get Too Warm and Cozy – Online Safety Tips? The holidays and the ‘Warm and Cozy’ season are approaching, but let’s not get too cozy and forget about the major ris...
Tech Corner: October 2023 Topic: What the heck is AI? Without a doubt, you’ve heard the phrase or someone talk about it recently and if you are like the majority of society, you’re asking the same question, ...
Tech Corner: September 2023 Topic: Monitoring Kids Chromebook Usage Believe it or not, it’s already the end of summer and back to school time! Many kids and families will be introduced to Chromebooks and ta...
Tech Corner: August 2023 Topic: Why is my old battery “Swollen” In the world of the mobile and “smart” ready device, we are always dependent on the remaining battery power and looking for our closest r...
Tech Corner: July 2023 Topic: Tips for Detecting Phishing and Spoofing Emails Most of you reading this article have been a target of a phishing or spoofing attack, whether you know it or not. The purpo...