
July 2024 | What a victim of a cyberattack should do


We’ve spent a few prior tech corner articles discussing cyber security, dark web, and awareness of scams.  So, what happens if you have been a victim of a cybercrime?  How do you react and what should you do about it.


Whether you are a simple home end-user, a small business, or a large business, the inherent risk of being hit by a cybercrime is extremely high.


If you’ve been a victim of fraud or a cyberattack, here are some steps and recommendations to follow:


  • Secure your devices
    • Immediately log into your online accounts and change your passwords.
    • Review your “forgotten password” settings and “alternate emails” to ensure no fraud accounts have been attached.
  • Closely monitor your bank accounts
    • Notify your bank of fraud and monitor your accounts for irregular activity
    • Be aware of any odd transactions, pending transactions, etc.
    • Typical bank fraud starts with small transactions and escalates.
  • Report Fraud or Freeze to Credit agencies
    • Credit Bureaus have fraud notifications that can be attached to your credit reports
    • Notify the agencies that you have been a victim of fraud, and freeze/lock your credit from unwarranted activity.
    • Pull an updated credit report to review any abnormal activity or additions
  • Report Fraud to FBI Internet Crime Center
    • FBI has an entire online/internet crime division
    • Report the situation to their crime center to make note of it
    • You will be provided with a case number
  • Report to your local municipality
    • Report the crime to your local police station
    • Local police often have contacts and agencies they work with and can refer you to for assistance in internet crime matters
    • Some local agencies have internet crime divisions that can help investigate
  • Keep Documentation of Occurrence
    • Keep documentation from agencies you reported situation to
    • Keep documentation of occurrence of activities, accounts you have changed passwords to, and abnormal activity you have noticed.



Be careful of any emails, phone calls, texts, or communications that seem odd in nature or that you weren’t expecting.  Best measure is to IGNORE these communications, don’t respond to them, and don’t click on links to see any further information.  If you are unsure and want to call a bank, credit card, or company that you feel a communication arrived from, DO NOT use the number included in the communication, go to their actual website and call the number from there.