There are a lot of people struggling to land one job interview but what do you do if you are one of the lucky few to have multiple interviews? Although this may be a problem that you would like to have, there is a lot that needs to be taken into consideration in order to plan for the multiple interviews and/or job offers. Here are a few things you can do to help better manage the situation:
Multiple Interviews
Create a plan
Establish a tentative “interview plan” to help you to avoid any mix ups. Creating a simple spreadsheet or completing a worksheet that lists dates, times, interviewer background and basic company information can keep your interviewing experiences in check and separate from one another. Noting some talking points for each interview can also be written in your plan. For instance, if a company had a recent merger, you can plan to discuss this with the interviewer.
Stay organized
Staying organized is probably the most difficult part about multiple interviews. Company X may want a portfolio. Company Q may request your résumé to be submitted online in a certain format. Company Z may require recommendations and endorsements. Make sure to prepare for each interview separately, each should be distinct and customized to the job opportunity and company.
Be completely present
Having more than one interview in a small span can hinder your concentration. Focus on being completely physically and mentally present during each interview.
Multiple Job Offers
Call the company that made you the job offer and explain that you’re very interested in the job and would like some time to think it over.
Ask when they need and ask when they need to hear back from you, (usually within a few days). But be careful, anything more than a week may appear to be a signal that you’re hoping for an offer from somewhere else, which will make them question your interest level.
Contact the other company (or companies) immediately and explain to them that you have an offer from another company. Proceed to tell them that you need to give them an answer to their offer soon, but let the company you are speaking to know that they are your first choice. If they are interested in you, there’s a good chance that they’ll be willing to expedite things.
The company may want to know who the other company is and the details, which may be due to the fact that they think you are lying about the second job interview to seem more desirable and negotiate better contract terms (which you should always being doing anyways!). If you aren’t comfortable with giving all of the details, you should at least give them the name of the position and the hiring company.
The Decision
Take the time to figure out what your ideal job looks like, when you know what the right position looks like for you it will be easier to make a decision.
Evaluate your options and determine what is important to you in your job search. Here are some things you may want to consider when weighing your options:
- Compensation – salary, benefits, stock options and bonuses
- Career Opportunity – chances for promotion, working conditions, professional development and relocation
- Quality of Life – travel, corporate culture and vacation time
- Location – preferred location, transportation costs and taxes